The College Basketball Experience


Power & Light,


Address: 1401 Grand Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64106

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Phone: (816) 949-7500

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Price: $20 for adults; $18 for children 4-17; 3 and under free

Hours: 10am-6pm Thurs.-Sat., 11am-6pm Sun. Open year round. Open Daily in March

This is the National Collegiate Basketball Hall of Fame. Here, two floors of fun await every basketball fan. Slam dunk, challenge others to a full court press, or broadcast live from our ESPN-U desk. This is NOT a museum. You are going to jump, stretch and shoot the ball at the official hall of fame for men's college basketball. You can stay and play all day among two floors of interactive exhibits. Guests may pass-out and re-enter The CBE within the same day with a valid admission.


Virtual Tour