42nd Annual Kid's Fishing Derby


Time: 8:30-10:30am


Region: East

Address: Lee's Summit, MO 64015

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Phone: 816-229-8980
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Related Organization: Missouri Town Living History Museum.

Kids ages 2 to 15 show off their angling skills at this fun-filled family event. The first 200 will receive a free fishing pole from Pure Fishing.  Activities include casting clinics, fishing demonstrations, and prizes for the top three heaviest fish in each age category: ages 6 and under, ages 7 to 10,  and ages 11 to 15. 

Please bring your own fishing rod and reel, bait and a bucket to transport your fish for weighing.  Register on-site.  Pre-registration is not required. 

Register On-Site: 8:30 am  
Derby Contest:  9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.     
Awards immediately following weigh-in.

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