Futbol Fandom Expo Kansas City


Time: 12-5pm


Region: West Bottoms, Downtown

Address: 1701 American Royal Court, Kansas City, MO 64102

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Phone: 816-728-2596
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FÚTBOL FANS this EXPO is for you!

If you love fútbol (soccer) you'll want to come see all of the hot venues sharing their spaces, destinations host, and vendors preparing for the big games coming to the Americas in 2026!

The morning sessions are for marketing professionals seeking to focus their brand, service, or oganization on attracting visitors.

Expo Fútbol Fandom – Exhibitor & Sponsor contact us at

The afternoon EXPO is for the public to enjoy learning about all of the great attractions to enjoy as the greatest fútbol games mankind has ever produces comes to a city near you!

FREE for High School students

Upcoming Event Dates